Friday, March 29, 2013

Compost: It’s In the Stars

 Astrophysicists tell us that without the birth and death of stars complex molecules would not be possible and our sun and planet would not exist. Likewise, the stuff we are made of was once a part of life before us. Ever since there has been life on our planet, there has also been the reuse of organic compounds as a by-product of that life. Plants grow from the recycled bits and pieces of other plants, animals and mineral elements in our soil combined with sunlight. Composting, whether it is the stuff of stars or stuff in our soil, is an integral part of our lives. We can easily compost the organic refuse of our kitchens, yards and gardens. Natural recycling of these nutrients improves the soil in our yards and makes it more productive while reducing waste that would go into trash cans and landfills.

There is no secret to composting. It is a controlled natural process that decomposes organic materials like leaves, grass and leafy food waste by bacteria and other organisms. The end product is called compost or humus, which looks and smells like rich soil. The practice of placing composted materials on the soil surface to control temperature, moisture, and weeds is called mulching. The added advantage of applying mulch not only improves the soil, but feeds the pants growing there. It is what makes composting worth it. Free fertilizer AND soil conditioner from waste is a good thing!

Composting is a little like cooking. The recipe, ingredients, temperature, and timing are crucial. Once you get it all down it is easier each time and you get a feel for it. That said, it can be trial and error to get there. The following link takes you to our publication on home composting. It includes the recipe (table 1), ingredients (table 2), and time and temp is under aeration. Different variations are included (table3). There is even information on making your own compost bins, uses and troubleshooting problems!

Consider adding a compost bin to your yard. It is an easy way to be green and improve your soil. If it is good enough for the stars it is good enough for all of us.

 Home composting:

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