Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Name This Bug!

 Name This Bug!

 We recently received this question by email:

    " I think my tree has a problem with pine beetles, can you help me?"

We identify insects (and diseases) that plague plants in and around the home. Just remember that we need whole insects!  Bits and pieces or insects stuck on tape are notoriously difficult to ID. If you have the insects, collect several (whole, not smashed) and place in a jar with alcohol. Bring them to our office for identification. We are located in the Urban Government Building and our office is open 8am to 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday.  If we cannot ID them here, we can send them on to the entomology lab at UK.

Getting back to our answer to the question.....

What variety of pine do you have?

Have you seen an insect? If so where are you seeing the insects?

Are there holes in the bark/trunk?

Can you see what looks like sawdust at the soil level of the trunk?

Is there sap on the branches, bark or trunk?

Are the needles dropping off or appear wilted?

This is a link to some of the problems that pines have in our area.

Southern Pine Beetle:

Pine Borers:

Pine sawflies:

Diseases of Pines:

We cannot come out on site. A certified arborist can evaluate the tree(s)and what you are observing. Valuable trees in our landscapes may need on site evaluation as soil, structures, slope and other factors in the environment may play a part in the health of these plants.  

You have questions?  We have answers!

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