Wednesday, July 3, 2013

An Unexpected Garden - part 2

An Unexpected Garden - part 2 


By definition an unexpected anything is not looked for, and, therefore, a surprise. Micro gardens, or microgreens, are just that. A simple, but delightful concept, especially when one applies it to gardening. Microgreens are young seedlings of herbs or vegetables that are harvested when they are 1 to 3 inches tall, usually right after the first set of true leaves appear. Upscale restaurants have been using them for years to add to salads or sandwiches and to garnish dishes. They have different flavors and tastes, not to mention color, than their older versions. Some recent studies show that these young plants are higher in nutrition and vitamins than more mature veggies. What’s not to love?
Several seed companies package seed just for microgreens. They are very knowledgeable about varieties and availability of plants suitable for this. Sow seed on sterile growing media. The soil should be moist without being wet.  (Kits that include watering baths for the seeds are also available for the home grower!) They do need a sunny window or grow light. The time from seed to harvest varies with crop species but many are ready to harvest within 1 to 2 weeks. Harvest only the stems with the leaves –no roots.  They can be cut or clipped with clean kitchen shears. Commercially an electric knife or trimmer is used.  Starting a flat or pot every week or so can keep you supplied with fresh microgreens!
What an unexpected and simple idea, take seeds from herbs and vegetables, sow them in clean potting soil, harvest as seedlings (the micro part) when they are full of nutrients and vitamins!  Microgreens may be a novel approach to gardening and it could add a lot to your table!

Introduction to commercial microgreen production from UK:
More from the University of Florida:

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