Friday, July 12, 2013

Strike Two

Strike Two

Thunderstorms can crop up at any time in Louisville during the summer.  Isolated, or in clusters they can be dangerous and brutal.  I wrote previously about lightening damage to trees but, of course, it can be deadly to humans too!  Don’t take a chance with these powerful storms.  Protect yourself, your family and pets.  Plants and property can be replaced - you are unique!

Lightening is an elemental force! 

We see it here in the Ohio River Valley so often that we can become desensitized to its violence.  The local death of a 13 year old boy during the last storm has really affected our community.  This tragedy has to heighten our awareness to the force that these thunderstorms can have. Please take a minute to check out the following links.  As a community we can pull together and work to protect our families.  Come on Louisville, let’s be PREPARED!

The National Weather Service has great information on the myths, safety issues, and facts on what lightening is and does.  

What to do to when you are indoors:

What to do if you are outdoors:

The safety myths and facts that many of us believe are a surprising eye-opener:

Don’t forget to teach your children about lightening and its dangers!

The National Weather Service site has some handy tools to help keep our children safe and informed, check it out: