Monday, August 19, 2013

Surprising Lilies

Surprising Lilies 

It’s August and it is no surprise that surprise lilies are getting a lot of attention.  Everyone seems to be fascinated with them this year. Sometimes called magic lilies or August lilies, these hard working members of the Amaryllis family (Lycoris squamigera) are easy to forget until they literally delight us with beautiful blooms at the end of July through mid-August.  The flowers seem to appear like magic on thick green stalks.  All over the county they bring color to yards, along driveways and sidewalks, even in areas off the beaten path. They welcome in the dog days of summer just as other blooming plants tend to give up on the season. They are the most beautiful in large naturalized groups rather than in single plantings.

Of course they do more than bloom but you may not recognize them as they appear in the spring. Long slender leaves that yellow and die back in June are easily dismissed as the weather warms. Surprise lilies are hardy and seem to thrive in most soils. They tend to grow best in sun but they will tolerate shade as well.  Their bulbs readily multiply and every 4 or 5 years they can be divided to replant or share. Small bulbs will survive although several years of growth may be necessary for them to produce blooms. They have few pests, but squirrels and chipmunks may be tempted by the bulbs.

By the end of August the surprise lily will disappear until they once again send up their green shoots to the spring sunlight. Check them out soon before the show is over!

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